Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Work station

This is my work station at 1st Contact. A job that I thoroughly enjoy. I work with a great bunch of people in a dynamic company.

Saturday, February 17, 2007


Uncle Bruce and Auntie Joan's place in Burnham, just West of London. It is really a gem of a place. The Park Weir's are very hospitable and always make us feel at home.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Snowy Frost

This is our little snowman in our front garden.


It's so much fun taking pictures of the snow.....hey......wait a minute......that's my train!!! Gotta go!!


Why would anyone want to own a car in London? TFL rules!!


If Catherine left her handbag unattended for any longer.....we might never have found it.

Photo shoot

Snowy Frost is loving the attention.

Snowy Frost unveiled

Much better.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Phillip in SA

While we sit at work, Phillip sends me these photos. I think he's getting me back for all those times I teased him about his hair.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Connect Group

This is our little Bible study group. From left to right: Titi, Marionelle and Heather.