Brown "Reef" Flip Flops
The wonders of Croquet: The weekend just passed, our director took the company to the croquet field to try and understand this mysterious "sport". I applogise if the qoutations around "sport" offends you (for all you fanatic followers of the game), but I'm still trying to get my head around it.
To be honest, we had a ball.
Croquet is quite a fascanating game, especially considering the fact that we were 180 players in total. Each of us getting about 4 games through the course of the day.
Our director, Reg Bramford, is the current Croquet World Campion, so we enjoyed quite a special exibition of skill and tallent. The Braai (steak burgers and boerewors) made the day extra special.

In general it was a good day out for Catherine and I (Greg and Liezel too), a welcome break from the demanding week.
On another note, Catherine got a raise this week, so by next week she will move to the Visa department here at 1st Contact. She is excited about the prospects and new challenges that it will provide.
Thanks for listenning.
PS. "Don't speak ill of your predecessors or successors. You didn't walk in their shoes."
- Donald Rumsfeld