Black "Goor" shoes
Yes, work is my life at the moment. We're entering exciting times here at 1st Contact. Soon we will rule the Limited Company industry. :-)
Simon (my boss), has given me a nice raise this week. This makes me rather happy. Come to think of it, not many people can say "Simon says..." in the context of work and not intend a pun.
To be honest, this is my first attempt at blogging. (As if you didn't notice that)
I am seriously enjoying my profession, I'd even go as far as saying I'm enjoying my position within this profession. I've been doing some soul searching in terms of what I'd like to achieve in life (I'm talking about work here)..... I suppose it's the whole happiness question and everything.
I've been discussing this eternal question with a couple of close friends of mine (including my dad, a man I genuinely respect). I think there's a couple of things that encourage us to enjoy what we do. I acknowledge that this differs from one person to the next, but I think there is a couple of traits we share (in different quantities, be that as it may).
The feeling of making a difference is one, security, feeling challenged/entertained/amused (I group these together because they all keep us awake) and utilising our talents.
I think the art is to identify how important these aspects are to us, in what way we are unique in these areas and then to find a place for us where we can effectively meet these needs.
I am thoroughly excited about the privilege that we've all received to be able to try and figure this out for ourselves. I think that is probably one of the single most important gifts we have received.
On that note, I'll be signing off.
Shoes safely in the box.
PS. Remember to polish
Awesome to hear about the soul searching champ! I rekon tho that we'll be doing it for the rest of our lives.I mean, christianity is working out your salvation.
Im continuosly seeking to see what God wills for my life.
Keep well my friend,
Psalm 90:12
skoene vir elke geleentheid word jou toegebid . nommerpas . doelgerig . kwaliteit grondstowwe . mag die pad waarop jy en Cath met hulle stap smal maar daarom altyd met vreugdes bestrooi wees.
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